Tasha Paige, the popular OnlyFans creator, recently shared some surprising news on her TikTok @anothertashapaige. In a video, she excitedly waved a positive pregnancy test to the camera, announcing, “I’m pregnant, happy new year!” It seems like everything has caught up with her, as she mentioned. Tasha gained fame in 2023 with her TikTok videos, earning over 11 million likes. She’s known for her candid stories about her colorful sex life, finding men to film content with, and even dating a ‘roster’ of men. However, Tasha also made headlines last year for her whopping $176,000 tax bill, which exceeded the tax-free threshold. She expressed frustration about being treated as a product by the government due to her online earnings.
As for her pregnancy, Tasha hasn’t decided yet whether she will continue with it or not. She has informed the father and they plan to make a decision together. Her followers on TikTok are flooding her comments with confusion and mixed reactions, offering support and reminding her that it’s ultimately her choice.
Tasha’s followers are flooding her TikTok comments, equally confused for the OnlyFans star.
“So we running to the clinic orrrr?” one person said. “Congrats?”
“Whatever you decide, remember it’s your body, your choice” , “Well, whatever you do just make sure you’re happy.” another commented.
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